Functional Programming & Proofs
Exercices 1
- How to define a dictionary and use it to translate a text ?
2.1 Split text
let txt ="I am a teacher";;
let lst = Seq.toList txt;;
let rec takeWhile xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| v::vs -> if v<>' ' then v::(takeWhile vs) else [];;
takeWhile lst;;
let rec dropWhile xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| v::vs -> if v<>' ' then (dropWhile vs) else vs;;
dropWhile lst;;
let rec split xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| vs -> (takeWhile vs)::( split (dropWhile vs));;
split lst;; // [['I']; ['a'; 'm']; ['a']; ['t'; 'e'; 'a'; 'c'; 'h'; 'e'; 'r']]
2.2 Define dictionary
let dic = ["I","Je";"teacher","enseignant";"am","suis"];;
let dic2= (fun (x,y)->(Seq.toList x,Seq.toList y)) dic;;
let rec equ xs ys =
match xs,ys with
| [],[] -> true
| _, [] -> false
| [], _ -> false
| v::vs,w::ws -> (v=w) && (equ vs ws);;
printfn "%b" (equ ['a'; 'm'] ['a'; 'm']);;
let rec has key dic =
match dic with
| [] -> false
| (k,v)::vs -> (equ k key) || (has key vs);;
printfn "%b" (has ['a','m'] dic2);;
let rec find key dic = // ?
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide