Functional Programming & Proofs
Exercices 4a
- Prove the propositions
and p3
Nb. Adpat the "apply" rule as follow:
let apply (h:string) ((hs,p::ps):Seq):Seq =
let v = List.filter (fun (k,r)->k=h) hs
match v with
| [] -> (hs,p::ps)
| (_,Imp (h,q))::_ -> if p=q then (hs,h::ps) else (hs,p::ps)
| (_,q)::_ -> if p=q then (hs,ps) else (hs,p::ps);;
|> intro "h1"
|> intro "h2"
|> apply "h2"
|> apply "h1"
|> proven;;

|> intro "f"
|> intro "g"
|> intro "x"
|> apply "g"
|> apply "f"
|> apply "x"
|> proven;;

6 - 12
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide
docteur dr laurent thiry uha mulhouse france functional programming fsharp proof theory coq coqide